

受付. 078-707-6778

〒675-2404 兵庫県加西市油谷町43

What you should to know to work in Japan


To be a reference when foreigners who are working in Japan, and a brief description of the labor laws of Japan. Labor Law of Japan it will be mandatory provisions, those that have been prescribed must be observed without fail. Are presented the conditions that differ from the law in the contract such as the Pledge of joining the company, it also as you sign, it will be invalid.
However, the content is not intended specifically for foreigners. I thought, so we have described For those of foreign workers do not know at all the labor habit of Japan, the Japanese people also be the occasion to see the working conditions basic which is defined legally speaking in reverse you.

Working hours of the day up to 8 hours

In Japanese law, working hours of Principle 1 day becoming up to 8 hours. However, unlike foreign Japan is possible to work beyond the 8 hours if there is a labor-management agreement. Beyond which may be time are determined by the labor-management agreement that was decided between labor and management (aka 36 agreement). That is, in the Japanese law does not have a fixed upper limit of working hours.

Contact us (Free Consulting)

Every Saturday 14:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Free labor and pension consultation we have conducted. Power harassment and sexual harassment, corresponding to the problem employees, from labor issues such as wages design to pensions and workers' compensation accident I we have received your comprehensive consultation.




